Enhancing transport innovation capacity of regions


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The European transport companies are leading innovators. In 2014 they invested 42bn Euros; an innovative transport sector can become the pillar to sustain the economic competitiveness of European countries as innovation and competitiveness are inextricably linked (JRC Technical report, 2015) Transport innovation can contribute to tackle major societal challenges, which are becoming more urgent by the day. The outputs of the INNOTRANS project aim to help regions interested in focusing on transport innovation, in terms of providing a solid knowledge base for taking more informed decisions in terms of the i) sub-sectorial focus and ii) necessary investments in infrastructure and capacities that will create the basic requirements for enhancing transport innovation . More specifically, INNOTRANS will map regional transport innovation capacity and identify the competitive advantage of the regions. Based on their strengths, guidelines for policy interventions and Action Plans will be developed. It will also explore the regional innovation potential and make recommendations on how to support weak regions. The project will ultimately contribute to the building of a regional culture of continuous innovation that minimizes innovation risks and maximizes its returns. INNOTRANS’ focus is to improve current measures in support of transport innovation public funding schemes as key element of transport innovation infrastructure, taking into consideration the current picture of the innovative milieu in the regions. The ultimate goal of the project is to assist regions in creating a funding strategy that builds upon existing and potential areas of competitive advantage, avoiding fragmentation and insularity and linking and leveraging the assets in new and different ways.


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