Valorization of new media for the promotion and enhancement of cultural resources in the cross – border area


Σύντομη περιγραφή

The main goals of the project are the creation of a shared, one-stop digital repository of cultural artifacts and services, and the design and provision of mobile applications and services both for citizens with cultural interests and for cultural heritage tourists in the cross border region. The project objectives are: – to build a network of cooperation between cultural institutions, municipal authorities, citizens and entrepreneurs in the tourism sector in the cross-border area; – to build a common repository of digital cultural content of the cross-border area that from the user’s viewpoint appears as one; – to provide mobile services for citizens with cultural interest and cultural heritage tourists. – To stimulate the cultural exchanges in the cross-border area via the implementation of joint cultural events; – To foster the cultural dialogue that will result in the awareness raising among citizens regarding the common cultural identity of the region; – To build capacities among local stakeholders (municipal staff, cultural institutions staff, entrepreuners in the tourism sector, civil society organizations’ members) regarding the exploitation of ICT technologies and the opportunities for local development arising from joint cultural events.



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