Boosting Employment through Entrepreneurship in Circular Economy


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BECircular converts Circular Economy (CE) /Bio Economy (BE) routes into employment hubs through the development of: a) a Repair & Reuse center for specific waste streams involving suppliers,end-users,repair lines&sponsors; b) a Research & Development center involving symbiotic networks,bio materials suppliers,end-users&technical personnel to evaluate & deliver business plans; c) an Entrepreneurship & Creative center to prepare young scientists,artists,technicians&engineers to enter CE&BE. The expected outputs focus on: – Coaching campaigns in CBC area-over 300 participants(students,young graduates&entrepreneurs) estimated-at least 50% flow in CE expected (referring to 30%Arts students, 30 entrepreneurs & 40%technicians); – Building capacities actions for at least 50 participants in the coaching sessions to work in centers &/or begin own business on CE&BE. The relative activities to achieve its outputs are: – Knowledge transfer seminars fostering CE & business startup for project consortium-at least 10 people; estimated to get trained per each side; – E-platforms transformation into CE & BE hubs: – E-learning platform as innovative tool for monitoring the mentoring program,offering online training for startup businesses & structural support to entrepreneurs in building their business idea; – ‘Living Labs’ ecosystems in a)BE, b)Creative Industries (design on textiles,wooden material,new items) & c)general entrepreneurship (business idea evaluation, necessary capital); – Business model for the development & execution of a startup company on CE; – Marketing plan to support the long-term operation of the centers & safeguard their sustainability.


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