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Agriculture and the sectors connected(*) have high potential in the project partners’ regions. However, one of the facts observed, is the lack of strong and permanent trade links in those sectors in the project area.   The “BRIDGES OF TRADE” project aims at bridging this gap and help producers of those sectors develop trading links with importers from the partners’ regions. Exploiting the knowledge and the experience gained by similar European projects called International Buyers’ Exhibitions (IBEX) and implemented in late 90’s and early 00’s, the project offers a forum through which buyers and sellers of agricultural and connected products will meet in pre-arranged meetings based on their common interests   The sequence followed in order for the project to achieve its objectives is: Identification of the products to focus on => Recording the potential beneficiaries => Launching of open calls for participation in the project => Conference to recruit beneficiaries and selection procedure => Buyers – sellers matching and organisation of 5 meeting events (“BRIDGES” events), one in each partners’ region => On-the-spot (at the end) and ex-post (4 monrths after each event) assessment  => Network creation (TRADING BRIDGES NETWORK)   This sequence is completed by the project’s management and coordination as well as communication activities   The transnational cooperation adds value in the project as it: – Brings together sellers/ producers from each host region with potential buyers from all the other partners’ regions in pre-arranged meetings based on their mutual interests (5 BRIDGES events) – Creates the transnational TRADING BRIDGES NETWORK aiming at maintaining the trading links that will be created, expanding the activities beyond the project and in a wider geographical area and, thus, ensuring the sustainability of the project results – Produces and makes available a commonly developed ICT based training tool supporting the extroversion of the enterprises during and after the project   The Project is definitely expected to have springboard and multiplier effect: – The SMEs created transnational trade links will, from the one hand, maintain and expand their links and, from the other hand, will act as role models in their areas – The TRADING BRIDGES NETWORK will keep supporting the extroversion of the agricultural smes and motivate them to undertake relevant initiatives – The ICT based training tool will be available to all SMEs to facilitate their efforts to be active in international trade   From these points of view, it is estimated that this project is a significantly efficient investment in the participating areas   (*) Including aquaculture, food industry and agro-industry sectors