Greece cOllaborates with Albania for nZEBs – Goal nZEBs


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Common challenge: A common challenge in the cross-border area is the lack of progress in the field of Energy Efficiency (EE) focusing on transforming public buildings into nearly zero energy buildings (nZEBs) with the help of RES. The transformation of public buildings into “nZEBs” and the establishment and operation of œlocal energy communities should effectively familiarize the citizens of this area with the advantages of EE (e.g. economic and environmental benefits, thermal comfort). Objective: The “œGOAL” of the project is the implementation of small-scale nZEB investments and the development of a joint approach towards public nZEBs through smart initiatives and the establishment and operation of energy communities in the eligible area. Outputs: (a) Detailed application studies for nZEBs with EE applications and cost-optimal measures for upgrading demonstrative public facilities to nZEB buildings in 3 regions of the cross-border area (Arta, Gjirokastra, Western Macedonia). (b) Implementation of the aforementioned small-scale investments. (c) Establishment of a joint approach that will facilitate dialogue, derive common initiatives, develop a common procedure and facilitate the energy communities operation and implementation of nZEB investments in the cross-border area. (d) Dissemination actions for supporting the penetration of nZEBs in the area through: (i) a website, social media and an on-line platform, (ii) communication / dissemination materials, (iii) local thematic workshops in the 3 regions, (iv) media press conference. Beneficiaries: (a) Municipalities, regions and all possible members of “œenergy communities”


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